You Must Wear Close Toed Shoes on Set (and other important rules that I forgot)

Today I will be talking about this face…


Without any doubt, at this point in the semester I have made a bunch of little mistakes around the film school that don’t really get me in any trouble, they just make me look like an idiot. Fun, right? After the aforementioned mistake occurs, I receive this look…


Some of the stupid mistakes I have made:

  1. Not remembering close toed shoes and having to make the fifteen minute walk back to my dorm room in order to get them.
  2. Using the wrong side of my key card when trying to open an editing lab. (Asked the lab assistant for help and was subsequently very embarassed)
  3. Tried to export a project to a Bluray, didn’t work, so I asked a lab assistant and was using the completely wrong program. (Same lab assistant)
  4. Tripped on the main staircase.
  5. Never watched Breaking Bad. (Film School heresy apparently)
  6. Talking about the movie All the President’s Men, called it All the King’s Men. Two very different films, felt like a dumb-butt.
  7. Broke the 180 degrees rule. (I knew better. So much shame.)
  8. Locked my key card inside an editing bay. (Crying, so much crying)
  9. Actually gotten lost.

So yea, I don’t know what I’m doing.

So I had to make a film for my Intro to Visual Storytelling (FTV 130) class. The assignment was to make a 2 minute dream sequence about a fear or desire you have. I thought that it might be funny to make a parody of our class and the fear of showing your film in front of a group of your peers (which is what we do in FTV 130) and having them hate it. This is a genuine dream I have had. In order to film the project, I had to film in my classroom on a Sunday.  Not knowing what to do exactly I asked my teacher, who is an adjunct professor who has never taught the FTV 130 class before, he said I should check with this professor, who then said I should fill out a room request form. I filled out a room request, then I was told to talk to the safety manager. Who I couldn’t find. I eventually found him and he told me all these complex things that I already forgot. After all of this was said and done, I felt pretty boss. I felt all knowlegeable and awesome cause I filled out paperwork and got stuff done. Sunday, I get to the classroom and the door’s locked. Go figure. Not sure what to do, I call my orientation assistant, Hannah the Junior, and ask her what to do. She turns out to be a Dodge TA and has a key card that unlocks most of the doors.

As she comes to help me, I complain about how much work I had to do to get this room booked for this hour on Sunday and all of the people I had to talk to and all of the paperwork I had to fill out and blah, blah, blah.  She was all like, “You totally didn’t have to do any of that.” I was like, “Dammit!”

The video worked out, it’s super weird and pretty interesting and if I could I would post it on here. But I can’t.

To re-quote my grandpa,

“It’s important to learn form your own mistakes, but it’s cheaper to learn from the mistakes of others.”

I tell you my own inadequacies because I care about you all, and I want you to succeed. I really do. I believe in you all… kinda. Good luck.

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