Networking (How to Make Friends and Use Their Influence to Catapult Yourself Ahead of Your Peers)

The real secret to succeeding in the film industry (or so I’ve been told because I obviously haven’t) is Networking. The old, “ya gotta know somebody to be somebody thing.” Cry.

Anyway, at Dodge College there are a few simple tricks that can help:

  1. Creative Producing Majors! (everyone assumes since the Film Production students are Directing and Shooting the film that they call all the shots, that’s not entirely true because a lot of the crew is put together by the people organizing the entire shabang, and that would be the Producers)
  2. Ask! If you have an upperclassman film friend, chances are they get on sets. Ask them to put you on a set at a Production Assistant.
  3. Make Friends on Set! Do it! Even if you aren’t interesting at all, put on your big boy pants and pretend you are worth having around. It’s easier to be on sets once you have already been on one.
  4. Join an Organization on Campus! I joined a sorority. A lot of my film peers were all like, “Why are you doing that? You’re going to be so busy with just Dodge?!?!” Well jokes on them because I have made a bunch of fantastic film school connections and friends through my main girl, Annie, (who I will be thanking in my first Oscar acceptance speech) because she got me on my first set.

If you want to be on set it’s pretty easy.

To the freshman in my hall complaining that it’s impossible,

Go get off your butts and meet some people.

Netflix will be there when you get back.

Tweets from the Set

Decided to get my tweet on this weekend, on the set of the senior thesis Ugly Person With a Cause

I worked as the 2nd 2nd AD, which basically means I was a PA with a fancy title

I decided that in order to give you some real truth, I took notes in the form of tweets

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Look out for my next post (tuesday) where I will do some hardcore explanation on the ins and outs of my most difficult day on set yet